The best machines for plastic processing

Tips for plastic machines choosing


Plastic is one of the most versatile materials used in many companies and processes with applications in an infinite number of sectors. Since it is a material used on so many occasions – from construction to furniture, from industry to the creation of many different products – it’s often subjected to various processes and treatments. Whatever the application field and the kind  of business that the company conducts, it’s essential to use the right machinery for plastic working effectively. These machines must be specifically configured to perform this operation in the best way – whether it is sanding, scratching or more.

Whcih kind of characteristics must have a good plastic processing machine? Let’s see them together.


What processes is plastic subjected to?


The plastics processing and the type of process it can undergo are many and different from each other, and obviously depend on the type of product that must be obtained – and consequently on kind of company and business. However, we can say that among the main processes and treatments, to which this material is subjected, are:

  • Structuring Plastic, a process that has both functional and aesthetic purposes, and consists of uniforming the surface roughness of plastic materials
  • Plastic rectify, an operation with a purely functional purpose, which serves to bring the plastic material to size according to predefined tolerances. It therefore serves to shape plastic and is performed in many different sectors
  • Polishing, which can be performed for functional or even aesthetic purposes. The surface roughness in this case is very low
  • Sanding, a process that makes the plastic surface uniform, respecting the predefined roughness characteristics
  • Shaping, which allows to shape the plastic, changing shape and size
  • Scratch, which allows the plastic to obtain a high degree of roughness, and requires efficient and high performance machinery to be performed
  • Edge finishing, an operation widely used in the furniture industry, is used to finish the edge of the plastic object, thus giving a cleaner, more uniform and more handle appearance by optimizing the profiles from the raw material.


Which machines are indicated?


Each kind of plastic processing (from the construction sector to furnishings, from that of hydraulics to accessories and so on) needs specific machines; this is the only way for the processes to be carried out safely and efficiently, in line with the expectations of the end customers. In addition to the machines for sanding, polishing and milling, which are probably the most common for processing plastic, specific machines are needed to perform the various operations, specifically designed for these needs, which reach a high level of customization. Like those that Volpato makes for its customers.


Why Volpato?


Volpato knows the plastic processing sector very well and has a long experience in the production and sale of the most suitable machinery for the different kind of operations. That’s why the company offers a wide range of machinery designed specifically to work with plastic; they are machines that can improve production efficiency and, above all, the final result of the product, whatever its application. In addition to this, in fact, the company deals with producing specific and customized machinery to meet the different needs of customers. In this way it will always be possible to find the ideal machine for any type of plastic processing